Heirloom Seed Store News
We Are Ready For You.....
Roman Beans, Tomatoes. Peppers and Everything Else has arrived and we are busy happily shipping them out to you ASAP!
Welcome to The Heirloom Seed Store featuring Franchi Old World Italian Seeds which was established to provide the highest quality authentic Italian seeds for growers and gardeners of all sizes to grow authentic Italian vegetables, herbs and flowers while bringing a bit of the Italian flavor and spirit into your home! As fifth generation Farmers and Purveyors of Franchi Sementi, known worldwide for the quality and variety of their seeds, we are here for you to grow and enjoy the fruits of your labor! These are the ONLY seeds we sell. We only use Franchi Seeds on our farm and now you can grow them too! With over 550 old world varieties of Italian Heirloom, Non GMO seeds from which to choose you will be producing healthy plants that provide great tasting food healthy for you and your family. Please enjoy your visit and stay well! We look forward to serving you!
You are Important to Us! Farmer John and Eda!
- Garlic Spring Onion Pepper Eggplant Beetroot Onion Fava Beans Fennel Pepper Pea Tomato Leek Parsley Radish Celery Spinach Cress Chive Rue Sage Lovage
- Impatiens Petunia Geranium Alyssum Aster Calendula Cosmos Lobelia Petunia Salvia Marigold Verbena Vinca Stock Zinnia Coleus Gerbera Edelweiss
- Garlic Watermelon Asparagus Beet Basil Carrot Cucumber Chicory Onion Spring Onion Broad Bean Fennel Endive Lettuce Eggplant Melon Parsnip Pepper Pea Tomato Leek Parsley Radish Celery Spinach Pumpkin Squash Thyme Zucchini Wild Fennel Lavender Sweet Marjoram Lemon balm Mint Oregano Nettle Garden Burnett R ue Sage Summer Savory Lovage Silene Inflata
- Alyssum Hollyhock Aster Balsam Snapdragon Calendula Celosia Cornflower Cosmos Dahlia Delphinium California Poppy Blanket Flower Geranium Sunflower Gypsophila Godetia Gomphrena Lupin Lobelia Daisy Nasturtium Poppy Petunia Ornamental Chile Pepper Phlox Sweet Pea Salvia Saponaria Delphinium Marigold Verbena Vinca Stock Zinnia Ornamental Squash Calceolaria Coleus Geranium Gerbera Impatiens Edelweiss
- Garlic Watermelon Asparagus Beetroot Basil Beet Carrot Chickpea Cucumber Chicory Onion Bean Borlotti Fennel Strawberry Endive Lettuce Lovage Sweetcorn Eggplant Melon Okra Parsnip Pepper Pea Tomato Leek Parsley Radish Rocket (Arugula) Celery Spinach Corn Salad (Mache/Lamb's Lettuce) Zucchini Courgette Sorrel Dill Borrage Camomile Caper Chervil Coriander Cress Dandelion Thyme Tarragon Chives Wild Fennel Lavender Sweet Marjoram Mint Oregano Sage Summer Savory
- Alyssum Hollyhock Asparagus Plumosus Aster Balsam Snapdragon Calendula Campanula Cacti Celosia Cosmos Dahlia Delphinium Foxglove Blanket Flower Carnation Corn Flower Sweet William Gypsophila Gomphrena Sunflower Godetia Morning Glory Lupin Daisy Nasturtium Forget Me Not Poppy Ornamental Chili Petunia Phlox Sweet Pea Portulaca Salvia Saponaria Everlasting Flower (Strawflower) Marigold Verbena Vinca Gillyflower (Stock) Ornamental Squash Coleus Gerbera Impatiens Edelweiss
- Watermelon Asparagus Beet Basil Chard Carrot Cabbage Chick Pea Cucumber Chicory Sprouting Turnip top Onion Bean Borlotti Bean Fennel Strawberry Endive Lettuce Sweet Corn Melon Leek Parsley Radish Rocket Salsify Scorzonera Celery Spinach Corn Salad, Mache, Lambs Lettuce Pumpkin Zucchini Sorrel Dill Borrage Chamomile Capers Chervil Coriander Cress Dandelion Tarragon Chives Cat Nip Erba Stella Wild Fennel Lavender Vera Sweet Lovage Marjoram Melissa Nettle Garden Burnet Silene Thyme Rosemary Rue Sage Summer Savory
- Ageratum Alyssum Hollyhock Aster Asparagus Plumosus Balsam Snapdragon Mirabilis Jalapa Calendula Campanula Celosia Kochia Cosmos Dahlia Delphinium Foxglove California Poppy Cornflower Sweet William Blanket Flower Gomphrena Sunflower Godetia Gypsophila Morning Glory Lupin Daisy Mesembriantemum Nasturtium Forget Me Not Ornamental chili Phlox Sweet Pea Portulaca Salvia Schizantus Everlasting Flower Thrift Marigold Verbena Vinca Zinnia Ornamental Squash Cineraria Gazania Gerbera Mimulus Cacti
- Arugula Asparagus Basil Bean Beet Black Salsify Borrage Cabbage Camomile Capers Cardoon Carrot Cat Grass Celery Chard Chervil Chicory Chives Chives Coriander Cress Cucumber Dandelion Dill Endive Fennel Garden Burnet Lavender Leek Lettuce Lovage Mache Melissa Nettle Onion Parsley Parsley Pumpkin Radish Rosemary Rue Sage Salsify Selene Inflata Sorrel Spinach Sprouting Turnip Strawberry Summer Savory Sweet Corn Sweet Marjoram Tarragon Thyme Turnip Watermelon Wild Fennel Zucchini
"Agriculture and seeds provide the basis upon which our lives depend. We must protect this foundation as a safe and genetically stable source for future generations. For the benefit of all farmers, gardeners, and consumers who want an alternative, we pledge that we do not knowingly buy or sell genetically engineered seeds or plants. The mechanical transfer of genetic material outside of natural methods and between genera, families, or kingdoms, poses great biological risks as well as economic, political, and cultural threats..."
This pledge was signed by us & other companies that are concerned about this issue.