What Does Hermetically Sealed Mean?

Some of our customers have asked, “What does hermetically sealed mean?”
her·met·i·cal·ly [hur-met-ik-lee] adverb
so as to be airtight: hermetically sealed.
Why is this important? Air deteriorates the quality of the seed.
I have a pretty little box I keep my seeds in. It’s overflowing with seeds packets. So on those days I’m planning to work in the garden, I bring out the pretty little box, spread seed packets all around the garden so I can visualize what to plant where. Peas here, lettuce there, build a trellis for my cucumbers over there.
Well, inevitably, at least one packet of seeds doesn’t make it into the ground because I ran out of daylight or I didn’t go back to that section of the garden. For whatever reason, it or they don’t make it back into the pretty little seed box, so it can be days before I discover the packet either laying in the sun or damp from the night.
When I discovered “Franchi” seeds, it was like they designed these seed packets just for me. While the outer package may be weathered, the envelope inside is dry and unharmed. I can’t tell you how many packets of seeds I’ve lost to leaving them out in the elements.
“Protetta In Doppia Busta” means “Protected in a double envelope.”