Pepper, Peperoncino Jalapeno Unavailable
Heirloom Pepper "Jalapeno". Mid-early, hot variety. This is a medium to long flat, meaty and very tasty pepper, which is used in many Mexican dishes. It grows a medium sized bushy plant.
Delicious. No garden is complete without Peppers. This variety is a wonderful heirloom variety with good old-fashioned taste. The Early Jalapeno is a traditional early strain of hot pepper. It is 2-2 1/2 inches long by 1 inch wide, sausage-shaped, with blunt fruits that mature early. They are ready to eat when they are dark green but will turn to its ripe color of red if left on the vine to keep maturing. It can be grown in many types of soils and environments.
The Early Jalapeno is ready to eat in 60 days for green and 80 days for red ripe. It is somewhat frost hardy, great for growing in containers and is very hot. Of all the hot pepper varieties, jalapeno peppers are most popular. The seeds are named after their place of origin in Mexico and are one of the most important cash crops in this country. Hotness of these peppers lies anywhere between 2,500 to 10,000 Scoville units. For comparison, the heat index of common sweet green peppers is zero, while the hottest peppers measure around 300,000 Scoville units or more. You can ry and chop these up for pepper flakes to spice up a variety of dishes.
Seeds can be sown directly into garden when soil is warm or started in containers and transplanted when several inches tall.