Broccoli, Cavolo Broccolo, Ramoso Calabrese
Broccoli Ramoso Calabrese Early. Traditional variety from Southern Italy. Tall plant with medium sized head (4-5 inches)Sprouting broccoli from Calabria is tender with excellent taste and produces abundant side shoots from the main stem, and secondary stems. Compact, medium sized head. A favourite in Italy where it is eaten as a puree, par-boiled and then quickly braised with olive oil, garlic and chilli, and baked with butter and parmesan. Very good parboiled for salads, and as a pasta sauce. Vigorous producer of large side shoots, which form after the main head is cut. Good for both Spring and Fall planting 55-60 days
Sprouting broccoli from Calabria is tender with excellent taste and produces abundant side shoots from the main stem, and secondary stems. Compact, medium sized head. A favourite in Italy where it is eaten as a puree, par-boiled and then quickly braised with olive oil, garlic and chilli, and baked with butter and parmesan. Very good parboiled for salads, and as a pasta sauce.
Sow in seed boxes and transplant/direct sow from spring through summer. Ready for harvest in 60-80 days, and the range of maturation times is well suited to the home gardener.