Gaillardia Grandiflora Multicolor - Blanket Flower
Gaillardia Grandiflora Multicolor, "Blanket Flower". Gaillardia - Grandiflora Multicolor (Blanket Flower). Perennial. Red Petals with yellow tips, daisy-like flower. Good for cutting or meadows. Makes a good cut flower with 24-30" stems. Easy to grow. Sow in early spring no more than 1/8th inch deep. Thin to 15". Blooms first year. Deadhead to keep blooming until frost.
Blanket flowers are an interesting and colorful addition to the flower bed or garden, offering long lasting blooms if deadheaded, a necessary part of the care of blanket flowers. A member of the Daisy family, blanket flowers are similar to those of the familiar wildflower.
How to Grow Blanket Flowers: Sow seeds into a well-draining soil and cover slightly. Although drought tolerant once established, care of blanket flowers includes keeping the seeds moist until germination occurs. Once established, occasional watering should become a part of blanket flowers’ care. This assists in a longer display of the colorful blooms. Care of blanket flowers includes planting in a full sun location to keep this fast growing specimen happy. As a native plant to the central United States and Mexico, blanket flower is a heat loving flower that attracts butterflies. Growing blanket flowers are drought tolerant and do not like wet feet from soggy soil. They are also quite cold hardy, and will usually survive in areas as cold as USDA zone 5 or even 3. Now that you are familiar with growing blanket flowers, you can add then to a bed or border for eye catching color. Growing blanket flowers can naturalize in a meadow or field adding hues of color. Easy care of blanket flowers makes them an ideal specimen for many landscape uses.