Bush Bean, Slenderette
Slenderette Bush Bean. . So, so good! The Slenderette bean is slow to become fibrous, giving it a quality that in unmatched by any other bean. Stringless. We found it to be very prolific in our test garden. Fast maturing and small seeds when picked for fresh eating. Very straight pods that look great for market selling. European chefs agree that Slenderette Bush Bean Seeds produce an excellent, gourmet bean that is highly desirable in French cuisine. The Slenderette Bush Beans' 5 inch pods are slender, stringless and glossy, dark green in color. These bush beans are high yielders and resistant to common bean mosaic, pod mottle and curly top virus. Excellent bean, high yields and straight pods. Slim tasty very dark green bean. Good producer. Pick when no thicker than a pencil for best eating quality and to encourage more production. Improvement on the Blue Lake that is unmatched by any bean; Thinner stringless variety; Tender, but hold up well when cooking.
The sleek rounded pods of gourmet quality Slenderette are particularly tender and crunchy with no tough tips or fiber. The vigorous plants bear strong harvests of delectable, bright green, 5 inch pods early in the season. Juicy and sweet tasting, they are especially delicious steamed, stir-fried, or blanched and marinated in an herbed vinaigrette. An extra bonus is Slenderette’s proven disease resistance to bean mosaic and curly top virus. Plant this reliable, delicious and high-yielding garden bean every season.
***Tender crispy garden beans are an easy reliable crop to grow, but don't plant seeds too early as cold conditions prevent good germination. If first sowing comes up unevenly, replant right away; new seedlings will catch up quickly. Birds are often attracted to young bean seedlings, so watch carefully and protect with netting or floating row covers if necessary. Avoid cultivating plants or picking pods when plants are wet.