Carnation, /Garofano Nano, Miniature Da Bordura Mix
Carnation Da Bordura (Border) Mix Numerous compact, full blossoms in mixed colors. Biennial easy-to-grow upright plant up to 25 cm tall. Blooms with numerous medium-sized compact flowers. Suitable for beds, curbs and cut flowers.
Carnations have long been the classic go-to of florists looking for a flower to round out mixed arrangements or bouquets. The blooms were lovely and the stems long, straight and strong. Gorgeous in a vase, a little leggy for the home garden. Thanks to this specially developed compact cultivar, carnations can now be enjoyed in border plantings, containers and rock gardens. Plants bear an abundance of fluffy, fragrant, fully double blooms in an array of bright hues. This Cheerful mix of flowers sits upright on moderate stems amid unique blue-green foliage. Butterflies love the blooms, gardeners love this mix's perennializing habit.