Gomphrena Globosa Multicolor
Gomphrena Globosa Multicolor. Annual plant. Grows to just higher than a foot and is easy to cultivate. Produces lots of different colored flowers and is ideal for flower beds and cutting. Gomphrena is a cheery little clover look-alike that for centuries has graced classic cutting gardens. American gardeners have relied on its pleasing bachelor button flowers since the early 1700s. With pink, purple, or white gumball flowers, globe amaranth has a reliable marathon bloom time (from early summer until the first hard frost).
Somewhat short in stature (topping out at one to two feet), it is frequently seen in the front of the border where it obligingly fills in any bare spots left by ephemerals or spent spring bulbs. Gomphrena makes a durable cut flower and, when dried, can literally last for years.