Basil, Italiano Classico aka Genovese IT"S HERE!
Basil, Italiano Classico Italian Classic Basil. This sweet Genovese basil is Franchi's most popular variety. It is the same strain that made pesto famous worldwide. It is called Italian Classic rather than Genovese because the region of Genoa got an Indicazione Geografica Protetta (IGP) trademark that limits the use of the name Genovese to basil grown in a certain area of Liguria; however, the seed is grown elsewhere in Italy and so cannot have the name Genovese within Italy.
Whatever this basil is called, it's the best. This is the classic basil used for sauces, pesto, pizza, and just about everything else.The leaf is soft and fragrant with a delicious taste. Makes the most beautiful color green pesto our many chefs have seen! Sow thinly and cover lightly with fine soil. Firm gently and keep moist. Sow direct into sowing position or in pots. Likes rich, well drained soil and a warm, sheltered position. Thin to 6" apart when larger. Pinch the first or second group of leaves so more shoots will grow. Plant Early Spring to late Summer. Year round in warm areas. In cooler areas put up a plastic or hay bale wind break for protection.
Basil has approximately 600-650 seeds per gram. FUSARIUM FREE - TESTED. NonGMO. .