Chicory, Cicoria Rosa, Radicchio La Rosa del Veneto Here Now!
Chicory, Cicoria Rosa, Radicchio La Rosa del Veneto Pink Chicory, known in Italy as Radicchio La Rosa del Veneto, is a loose heading radicchio with a vivid pink color and subtle pink markings. The flavor is less bitter than other chicories. The best color is achieved when it matures in cool weather. Start seeds in mid- to late summer and transplant to the garden in early fall. This delicious and beautiful pink radicchio can take from four to five monthds to mature, but once formed in cool temps they are sweet enough to eat alone as a salad. Space plants 8-12 inches apart in rows 12 inches apart. Like lettuce, radicchio has shallow roots, so keeping it well-watered and mulched is important. Supply 1-1.5" of water per week. The most critical watering period is 10-14 days before maturity. Lack of water then can turn the leaves bitter. Heads mature at different rates. Pick when heads are soft, before a core (seed stalk) starts to form. They also hold up really well in frigid weather under cover. They can be stored in the refrigerator for three to four weeks.
La Rosa del Veneto radicchio is a full, loose head made up of many layers of thin, pink leaves connected to a single, white base. The leaves are smooth, soft, crisp, and are primarily known for their unusual, light pink coloring. In the center of each lf, a prominent mid-rib extends from the base of the head and spreads out into smaller veins across the leaf’s surface. The white mid-rib has a firm, crunchy, and aqueous consistency. La Rosa del Veneto radicchio, depending on cultivation methods, generally has a crisp, silky texture similar to butter lettuce and is known for its sweeter taste in comparison to other radicchio varieties. Along with its sweeter characteristics, the variety still maintains a sharp, subtle bitterness with light floral notes.
La Rosa del Veneto radicchio is best suited for both raw and cooked applications such as roasting, sautéing, grilling, braising, steaming, and stir-frying. When raw, the light pink leaves are showcased in salads and grain bowls, or they can be utilized as an edible garnish. The leaves also have a sturdy texture, which allows them to be used as bite-sized lettuce cups on appetizer plates, or they can be blended into smoothies. In addition to fresh preparations, the flavor of La Rosa del Veneto radicchio will develop a unique sweet and tangy taste when cooked and is often served with roasted meats, pasta, and winter vegetables. The soft, crisp leaves can also be baked into casseroles, steamed and served as a side dish, or grilled for a smoky flavor. La Rosa del Veneto radicchio pairs well with cheeses such as ricotta, blue, and goat, shallots, garlic, blood oranges, pears, grapefruits, grapes, nuts such as walnuts, almonds, and pistachios, lemon zest, fennel, and dates. The fresh heads will keep up to one week when wrapped in a paper towel and loosely stored whole and unwashed in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.
Approximately 300 seeds