Columbine - Aquilegia Mix
Aquilegia Mix - Columbine Multicolor Mix - Aquilegia Franchi Special Selection. Pretty mix of delicate flowers with very long spurs. A perennial plant with decorative multicolored flowers, about 2-3 feet in height. Used in naturalistic gardens, in higher perennial beds and as a cut flower. Requires a moderately sunny or partial shade position. Prefers light shade and moist soil, but will do well in sun if given plentiful water. Beautiful in a rock garden or a wooded setting. Aquilegia are an easy to grow, spring flowering perennial whose common name is Columbine. Aquilegia have delicate, nodding flowers which can be single.
Columbines have been grown in gardens for centuries, and are among the most popular of perennials. Hummingbirds will often drop in to sip nectar from the flowers. This hybrid mixture features a wide range of pastel shades and bicolors, over a compact mound of ferny light-green foliage. Excellent for cutting. Since Columbines are relatively short lived, allow some of the plants to go to seed and self sow. Leaf miners or sawfly may disfigure the leaves around flowering time. Simply trim off the ugly foliage and the plants will grow fresh leaves.
Set seeds out in spring uncovered. Space 12". If growing transplants, sow in pots, put pots in refrigerator a week or two, then grow at 70 degrees.
Species name: Aquilegia caerulea J