Cucumber, Cetriolo Melone Carosello Medio Lungo Pugliese
Italian Heirloom Cucumber "Carosello Medio Lungo Pugliese" Cucumber, Half Long of Puglia. Green cucumber/melon type that Italians favor. Early Green melon 5 "long dark green cucumbers with a nice taste. A vigorous productive plant with tightly packed leaves.Seeds of the cucumber variety Melon - Medium-long Apulian Carousel - by FRANCHI SEMENTI. This vigorous plant has excellent fruit production. The moderately sized cucumbers have a nice deep green color.
Early, productive, very nice taste. Dual Purpose - picked young it is eaten as a cucumber. Let them grow on and it becomes a melon, although not as sweet due to a slightly reduced sugar level. Rustic variety from Puglia in Southern Italy. Short, medium sized fruits and good productivity
Heritage Variety Dual Purpose - picked young it is eaten as a cucumber. Let them grow on and it becomes a melon, although not as sweet due to a slightly reduced sugar level. Rustic variety from Puglia in Southern Italy. Short, medium sized fruits and good productivity.
Immature cucumber melons from these varieties have been eaten in Apulia for centuries, as a substitute for cucumber. They are eaten raw in a salad, without any dressing or with just a pinch of salt. The most commonly used varieties are Carosello and Barattiere, both of them belonging to the Cucumis melo species. The different varieties are often named after the colour of their epicarph, their shape or the name of the area they have been selcted in and brought on with cultivation.Carosello melon is now produced in the provinces of Lecce (where it is also cultivated in glasshouses), Brindisi, Taranto and Bari.
Sow: from March - end July
Early harvesting cucumber variety which is both vigorous and productive. Mid sized, slightly bulbous rustic cucumbers. Slightly unusual shapem Sow March to July. Harvest June to Octoberm Pick before they lighten up in color. Sow 5-6 seeds/hill, spaced 4" apart, after soil is warm in the spring (a week or two after last frost date). Thin to 3 plants per hill. Space hills at three feet and rows at six feet. 55 days.