Daisy, Margherita Carinatum
Giant Daisy, Margherita Carinatum. Chrysanthemum - Margherita carinatum - Giant daisy Perennial Plant, grows to 2.5 feet. Resistant to low temperatures. Produces lots of multicoloured ringed flowers in shades of white, yellow, pink and red Ideal for vases or drying. Perennial Giant multicolored daisy in stunning colors. 2 1/2 " tall. Resists low temps. Recommended for cutting and pots. Flowers throughout the summer months, provided dead heads are regularly removed.
Perennial flowering herbaceous plant. Multicoloured ringed flowers in shades of white, yellow, pink and red, each with their contrasting deep red centre are borne above the plant. Flowers throughout the summer months, provided dead heads are regularly removed. Sow indoors from March or outdoors from April