Forget-Me-Not, Non Ti Scordar Di Me Myosotis Blu
Forget-Me-Not grows well in shade/partial shade, around trees, and rocky landscapes. Grows about 10" tall with numerous beautiful small blue flowers with yellow centers. As it often self seeds, it is sometimes considered to be a perennial plant, but could be annual as well. It is easy to cultivate and recommended for borders and flower beds. As it often self seeds, it is sometimes considered to be a perennial plant, but could be annual as well. Sow April through May. Alaska's State Flower.
The European tradition traces the meaning of this flower to an Austrian legend, according to which one day two lovers, while walking along the Danube exchanging promises and tenderness, were fascinated by the large quantity of blue flowers, which were carried by the current. The young man, in an attempt to collect some of these flowers for his beloved, was swallowed by the waters, shouting "Never forget me!".
Approximately 200 seeds.