Foxglove, Digitale Multicolor
Foxglove, Digitale Multicolor. Biennial plant of approximately 5 feet tall, oblong green leaves, very colorful flowers with dark spots in the bells of the flowers. Known for its towers of blooms, this classic favorite has long graced many gardens. Foxglove looks much like its name, containing glove-like bells that come in an array of colors. Foxglove is known for its wonderful patterns and makes quite the statement when planted in mass amounts.
Foxglove plants are very easy to grow, and they have very few requirements in order to prosper. Ideal conditions for these plants vary depending on the variety and species, but in general, they prefer evenly moist, well-drained soils. These perennials are not very drought tolerant, especially when in bloom, so make sure to give them water during long dry periods. They also prefer acidic soil, so depending on your soil type, it may be a good idea to add soil acidifiers.
Many foxgloves do best in full sun, but some will get by just fine in part shade. Some perennial types actually prefer part shade over full sun. It's important to remember that biennial varieties will most likely not bloom in the first year. The second year, they will send up beautiful spikes of blooms (which hummingbirds love), and if you cut them back immediately after they are done, you can encourage a second round of blooms. Also keep in mind that, as a biennial, the foxglove plants will die when they have finished blooming for the season. Make sure to leave a few spent blooms on the plant so they can produce seeds to grow more seedlings the next year
As Alys Fowler's gardening column tells us, one of the many joys of foxgloves is that they appear just as spring’s flurry of blooms has disappeared and the garden is waiting for summer to take off. It can be a surprisingly dull moment in the garden, with all the yellowing leaves of tulips among the tired aquilegias. But the spires of foxgloves unfurl to raise your eye away from the dying back below.