Marigold, Tagete Nano A Fiore Doppio Giallo
Marigold, A Fiore Doppio Giallo, an Annual plant, upright, easy to grow. Produces many yellow flowers and makes a great border. The double-flowered yellow dwarf marigold plant is an annual plant, about 12 " tall, with an upright habit, with double-petaled, yellow flowers. Easy to grow, it is suitable for borders, flower beds, pots and containers. It blooms all summer.
It is used both to decorate flower beds / borders and to keep nematode worms away from both flower beds and our organic garden! It is usually associated with tomatoes for a synergistic vegetable garden.
In addition to this it is also used to attract pollinators! This useful and beautiful plant loves the sun and withstands all the most adverse weather conditions.
Germination Guide of Nano Double Yellow Marigold Seeds :