Onion Cipolla Regina, formerly Giugnese
Onion Cipolla "Giugnese" Italian Heirloom Mid-Early 70 days. A mid early variety of white onion can be grown from direct sowing both in spring and in autumn.
The bulbs are of medium growth and are of flat-oval shape with firmly fitted skins.This mid sized slightly flattened salad onion is tender and juicy with white flesh and ideal for eating raw and also tender and tasty and ideal for salads. The oval-shaped, straw-colored roots are tasty in salads or cooked. Giugniese are characterized by their crystalline white color, succulent flesh, and crunchiness. These onions are quite sweet and particularly good with meat or fish because it enhances their flavor without overpowering it. Although ideal for making soups, stews, and minestrones, these onions are also used fresh in salads, with boiled potatoes, carrots, or cucumbers.