Onion Valenciana Temprana Onions
Onion, Cipolla Valenciana Temprana. Onion Valenciana Tempranathis is an early variety of golden Spanish Onion.
The plants are medium size and produce large "spinning top" shaped onions with golden skin and thick, tender white juicy flesh. Biennial This Utah strain of the Yellow Sweet Spanish Onion is mild-flavored with warm yellow and brown skin and has a bulb 4"-6" wide. Valencia also makes an excellent bunching onion when young. An intermediate day type (day neutral) that tolerates cool climates, it is an excellent keeper.Did You Know? The size of an onion can be foretold by the number of leaves on the plant at maturity. The rule is one leaf per ring on the bulb.Soil Temperature: 50-85°F Planting Depth: 3/4"-1" Germination: 3-8 Days Height At Maturity: 2'-3' Days To Maturity: 105-120 Days Full Sun Spacing After Thinning: 10"10seeedBuy with confidence and plant the best!Planting & CareSoil & Water: Plant in well-fertilized, moderately moist soil.Planting & Growing: Sow seeds indoors in flats in early spring or sow seed outdoors as soon as the soil is workable. Cover seeds with 1/4" of fine soil. Allow 6"-18" between rows. When seedlings reach 4" tall, thin or transplant 6" apart. Thinnings can be eaten like green onions. Cut off seed heads as they form.Harvesting & Storage: When mature, bend the tops, expose the bulb and let it stay in the ground until the leaves turn brown. Lift bulbs from the soil, braid tops, and hang outside, in the shade, to dry for at least 7 days. Store in ventilated, cool, dry area.
Sow: from March - July