Salvia Splendens Nana Blue
Salvia Splendens, Nana Blue. Annual, easy to grow plant. Grows to 12" high. Very decorative flowers with an intense blue spike over green leaves. Prolonged flowering all summer even in full sun. Ideal for borders and containers.
Bright compact bushes! Spectacular blooms! The plant has an obverse pyramidal shape, densely leafy, compact apprx 12" high. The flowers are intense blue in color, collected in racemose inflorescences 4-8" long.
It blooms profusely from June to the first autumn frosts. Used for planting in ceremonial flower beds, in groups against the backdrop of lawns.
Agricultural technology.
The plant prefers sunny, well-drained, moderately fertile, loose soils. Propagated by sowing seeds in March in seedlings, lightly sprinkled with fine-grained sand. At a soil temperature of 70 F shoots appear on the 10-15th day. Seedlings dive twice. Seedlings are planted in open ground in early June, maintaining a distance between plants of 7-10 ".