Tomato Pomodoro Beefsteak Ibrido F.1 See RED PEAR SELECT for a Great Beefsteak Tomato
Tomato Pomodoro Beefsteak Beefmaster Beefmasteak Ibrido F.1 A consistent producer of high quality beefsteaks. If you want to enter a size contest, then Beefmaster is the choice for you. Succulent in flavor and widely adaptable, Beefmaster produces enormous fruit size, with some tomatoes weighing in over a pound.
Customer note: " We discovered that if you do not fully vine ripen the fruits, Beefmaster will taste like a good, but not great tomato. However, if you allow this tomato to fully ripen on the vine, i.e., ensure that it is fully red without any green/orange shoulders and just beginning to soften, the flavor transforms to reveal marvelous sweetness combined with a complex, fruity undertone. We grew four large heirloom varieties and one large heirloom cross the same year we grew Beefmaster and used similar vine-ripening procedures on them all, but none could match the flavor of Beefmaster".