Tomato: Pomodoro Piccolo Dattero Ibrido F1** See Tomato Red Cherry
Tomato Muscato, Datterino, Piccolo Dattero Ibrido. F1 Hybrid grape-shaped cherry tomato. Indeterminate. Early, vigorous, heavy producer of very sweet deep red fruit. High sugar content. Resists cracking and stores well. VFN. Good choice for both home and commercial growers.
I tried five new varieties of tomatoes one of the best of the bunch is Piccolo Dattero. This is one of the best cherry tomatoes I've ever grown.
The name translates as "little date" and is named so because its shape resembles a small date. This type of tomato is called Pomodoro Datterini in Italy, basically "date tomato"
The tomatoes grow in clusters that hang on the vines. Some clusters are single stemmed and can be quite long. Other clusters have 2 or 3 stems.
Piccolo Dattero is one of the few cherry tomatoes that is not prone to splittingif the tomatoes are harvested without the cap however the ease of detachment as an indicator of ripeness so harvest them with the caps on.
It is one of the most disease resistant tomatoes and a vigorous grower, but not overly so. It's a generous producer but not overwhelming. But most important it tastes great.
These little treats have a firm skin that is just shy of being tough. They are bite sized which means you can pop a whole tomato in your mouth, and you do want to pop the whole thing in your mouth and bite down to get an explosion of flavor. Chomp down and there's just enough resistance to make them a bit chewy, enough flesh to give them substance, and plenty of juiciness to make them squirt with intense flavor; a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity. It's hard to stop eating them once you get going.
Iin Italy they are available peeled and canned and used as sauce tomatoes; a sauce made from them would be amazing, and laborious!
Approximately 30 seeds. Approximately 250-380 seeds per gram.