Turnip - Rapa Di Milano A Colletto Viola
Turnip Di Milano A Colletto Viola Early medium height plant with few leaves. Good sized flat root with a white base and pink neck, white tender consistent flesh. The most popular turnip in Italy. It has a flat, red/purple top above soil line and a white bottom. The greens are nice also. Flat-round, very fast-growing turnip with clearly prominent root formation for spring and autumn cultivation. Forms purple, 2 - 4" large turnip heads with white, delicate, not very sharp flesh. When the turnip is harvested young, it can be eaten raw, like kohlrabi, or preserved through fermentation.Excellent, very sweet taste and texture. Grow them year round. 60 days or so.
Approx. 5000 seeds Approximately 300-450 seeds per gram.
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