
Strawberry, Fragola Di Bosco Out of Stock, Sorry

Strawberry, Fragola Di Bosco  European (Woodland) wild strawberry. Produces small, fragile intense tasting berries in early summer (July usually). No runners.  Prefer acid soils with plenty of water. This alpine or wild strawberry is a small clumping plant with small superbly fragrant and delicious fruit. Grow as a ground cover space 12" apart in moist partial shade. The plants require less fertile soil and are more resistant to disease than normal strawberries.


Strawberry, Fragola Quattro Stagioni. Alpine Strawberry

Alpine Strawberry.  Fragola Quattro Stagioni - 4 seasons.  Delicious, intense tasting aromatic small red strawberries of the European type. Not 4 seasons in the north, but maybe three seasons since they produce throughout the growing season. Set out 9-10 week-old transplants.  Does well in the garden, in rock gardens, window boxes. Does not make much in the way of runners. Sometimes you get fruit the first fall, always the second year. Approx. 600 Seeds.  0.5 gram packet


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