Pepper, Peperone Padron AVAILABLE NOW!
Pepper, Peperone "Padron". Mid-Early. This Spanish heirloom pepper comes from Galacia, Spain. Small, 2"x3" with a thin green skin. Later in the season they become a bit spicy. It is a popular sweet frying pepper. A medium sized bushy plant.
In Galicia, Spain, padron chillies are thrown into a pan, tossed in hot olive oil until they blister, sprinkled with sea salt and served as tapas. They are superior quality and meaty, with an unrivalled flavour, and between 1 in 4 and 1 in 10 can be hot - the Russian roulette of chilli peppers where they say that 'one is hot and one is not'.
This is an interesting pepper and very popular. It produces a large quantity of small (1 1/2 or 2 inches by 2 or 3 inches) green peppers which are mostly sweet and mild when young, although a small percentage of them are hot. As they get mature, more become hot and hot weather also increases the heat of the pepper. That's the fun of them. They are a popular tapas in Spain, where they are pan charred in a bit of oil and sprinkled with coarse salt. Grab one by the stem, take a bite and steel yourself for some heat. Or maybe not. Pepper Roulette, they call it. Approximately 150-200 seeds per gram.
From a Customer: Sometimes hot, sometimes sweet. We try to let them go longer on the plant for the sweetness. Seems to work. This is not a large plant; set out on 12-14 inch centers.
1 gram packet, approximately 100 seeds.
Annual: Sow in spring and early summer indoors in pots of seed compost. Plant outside in the ground or larger pots of potting compost when the risk of frost has passed. Chillies do really well in containers placed on a sunny patio, and make great edible ornamentals. At the end of the summer, bring them back indoors on a sunny windowsill to extend the season.