Chicory, Cicoria Palla Rossa Precoce
Palla Rossa Precoce Chicory. Early, Might be the greatest color contrast of the red radicchios. It is fairly easy to grow in that it consistently forms nice heads. Nice taste and texture. 75-80 days. Best in fall. Most intense color in late fall during cool weather. Not frost hardy.
The Chicory Palla Rossa Precoce is among the most cultivated varieties of chicory, followed by the red radicchio of Verona, of Treviso (radicchio of Treviso) and of the Radicchio Variegato of Castelfranco. The variegated radicchio of Chioggia has a high adaptability to different conditions of both climate and soil: it prefers loose soils but in the home, a soil that does not have stagnant water will suffice. It is very compact, heavy, uniform, with tender and crunchy leaves with high hooding capacity, average weight of 1 lb. The leavesthey are, in the early stages, green with some red veins; when in autumn, following the first cold weather, the leaves will take on an intense red color, while the ribs and veins will become white. The leaves are eaten raw for genuine or roasted salads , for grilled or oven-cooked vegetables for the preparation of lasagna and risotto .
The sowing can be done either in the ground or in pots. The soil must be worked and a fairly soft, moist and light soil is preferred. The seeds should be spaced 3-4 times their diameter. After having proceeded with the sowing, we move on to a light sprinkling watering or with a normal sprayer so as not to move the small seeds and then proceed with compacting the soil and eliminating any air bubbles. During the germination it is necessary to keep the soil constantly humid without exceeding. Germination times vary from plant to plant.
7 greams over 2000 seeds
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