
Chicory, Cicoria Bianca di Milano

Cicoria Bianca di Milano. Mid-early. Upright green Chicory with tightly packed, large head  Full, closed heart with ample rounded light green leaves. Medium early head variety. The rosette of leaves is raised, 14" high, 8" in diameter. The leaf is large, rounded, with a crispy consistency.  Head of salad is elliptical, dense, weighing up to 1 lb. Sowing seeds in open ground at the end of April - May. For a continuous harvest of leaves, sowing is carried out from April to August.


Chicory, Cicoria Rossa Di Verona Sel. Arca Out of Stock

Chicory, Cicoria Rossa Di Verona Sel. Arca. Mid-late. is this one of the Franchi Special Selections reserved for vegetables of exceptional merit. In addition to stunning color, this forms a nice tight head. Appropriate for the specialty trade. Grow like any red radicchio.  it has a contained head of fair dimensions with large crunchy ribs and no veining and rounded, meaty leaves and white ribs which are tender and crunchy.    


Chicory, Cicoria Catalogna Brindisina It's Here!

Cicoria Catalogna Brindisina. Early.  Upright tightly bunched head with green serrated leaves. White pronounced stalks and buds at the base.  This chicory is grown for its stems. It has a small almost frilly leaf with very thick stem that comes together almost as a bulb. Very nice in salads. Slice up, soak in ice water for a few minutes (nice but not necessary) and serve in a salad.


Chicory, Cicoria Zuccherina Di Trieste

Chicory, Cicoria Zuccherina Di Trieste. "Small, sweet from Trieste" is a cutting chicory with heart shaped, upright, light green leaves with almost no ribbing and very thin stems; ideal for salads. Mild tasting and fast growing (30 days).  Will regrow after cutting, but it is just as easy and quality is higher if you succession plant. Sow seeds 1" apart from 3 weeks before last frost. Cover or rake in lightly and keep moist until seeds emerge in a week or so.


Chicory, Cicoria Grumolo Verde

Chicory, Cicoria Grumolo Verde. Mid-early, rustic plant forming small leaf bunches of intense green. At the end of winter, the plant assumes it's typical rosette shape.  This variety forms an attractive rosette of green leaves and a small heart if grown to maturity, but it is often sown as a 'cut and come again' salad leaf.  In spring, 30 days to baby, 50 days to full size.  I f grown for fall harvest, initial growth is a somewhat elongated head with large rounded leaves.



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