Chicory, Cicoria Variegata Di Lusia (Precoce)
Chicory, Cicoria Variegata Di Lusia (Precoce). An early variegated, vigorous variety with light green leaves with contrasting red colouration in a tightly wrapped ball shape It's tightly wrapped green and red mottled leaves are both tasty and very crunchy. Good resistence to low temperatures.
An early and reliable heading chicory for both spring and autumn. It has beautiful “variegated" leaves, more subtle in color than the later varieties, Variegata di Lusia looks as though its blanched pale green leaves have been stippled in blood with the lightest of hand. It is sweet (for a chicory) and crunchy and very tolerant of both heat and cold. Ready for harvest in as little as 60 days.
Start chicories early, like you would cabbage and head lettuce. About four weeks before the ground is workable, sow seeds into flats, dust with a fine layer of vermiculite, press to keep snug, and mist generously. Cover to maintain moisture and temperature. Kept warm and moist, seeds will germinate in about a week. Uncover, and grow on in bright light. Harden off and transplant into the garden as soon as soil can be worked. Chicory is very hardy and will withstand light frost. Sow again in late summer for a fall crop. Autumn produces the tightest heads. about 2500 seeds.