Lettuce, Lattuga Bionda a Foglia Liscia
Lettuce, Lattuga Bionda a Foglia Liscia. Early cut and come again variety. Medium sized, light green loose leaf plant with smooth round tender leaves. With pale green, smooth leaves, this is an early cut and come again variety with mid-sized, tender open leaves. Plant throughout the year except in extremes of heat or cold for a constant supply of salad greens. Broadcast sow in prepared soil and gently rake in, pat down and mist spray and keep moist. Traditional cutting lettuce for salad. Green rounded leaf. Nice taste. Regrows quickly after cutting, but still succession plant since quality is lessened after several cuts. If you do want it to regrow, make sure you cut several inches above the soil line. 40 days Apprx. 6,000 seeds.
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