Cutting Lettuce

Lettuce, Lattuga Bionda a Foglia di Quercia (Oak Leaf)

Lettuce, Lattuga Bionda a Foglia di Quercia. Early, cut-and-come again lettuce of medium dimensions. Upright light green oak leaf type that grows very quickly and has a small, lambs-tongue-shaped rounded leaf that will grow back after cutting.  Stagger the sowing for a constant crop.   Sow: from March all the way to end of October.  Harvest: from April to mid November.  Approx. seeds quantity: @5000 seeds.


Lettuce, Lattuga Bionda a Foglia Liscia

Lettuce, Lattuga Bionda a Foglia Liscia.  Early cut and come again variety. Medium sized, light green loose leaf plant with smooth round tender leaves. With pale green, smooth leaves, this is an early cut and come again variety with mid-sized, tender open leaves. Plant throughout the year except in extremes of heat or cold for a constant supply of salad greens.

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